Monday, June 8, 2009

Baptism, Vespers and Benediction

"If Tristan turns out a priest, I'll know whom to blame!" - that's what his Dad said beforehand, explaining how having Fr Tattersall come down from Melbourne to Hobart to baptize young Tristan, and having various Traddie friends come too, meant that the Baptism according to the Traditional Rite was to have Vespers of Trinity Sunday and Benediction added on after it...

About forty relatives, friends and faithful assembled at St Joseph's church, Hobart (a handsome church, with original rood and high altar intact, albeit the former rood screen was taken down; at least there is some fine woodwork evident in the sanctuary panelling and forward altar; there are several valuable nineteenth century American paintings hanging in the sanctuary, of Our Lady, the Ascension and St Joseph, one being away for restoration; and there is also original Pugin stained glass in the church, the inscription begging one to pray for "the good estate of Augustus Welby Pugin") at 6 pm.  In due course the ceremonies of Baptism proceeded, preceded by a sermon; after little Tristan Michael Casimir was duly exorcised, christened and made a child of God, co-heir with Christ and temple of the Holy Ghost, the priest, servers and choir parati made ready for the highly appropriate Vespers in praise of our Triune God.  

Somewhat shakily, yours truly joined in the chanting, led by the two rulers of the choir on stools in the sanctuary, and after the Evening Office of the Church had been prosecuted another hiatus ensued while all remaining was made ready for Benediction, whereat the supreme worship of latria was paid to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament exposed, that we might love Him and desire Him yet more: O salutaris... Prayer for Christian Unity... Tantum ergo... Benediction itself... the Divine Praises... Adoremus in æternum...

The evening's great dose of sacramental worship concluded at half seven.

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