Saturday, May 16, 2009

St Ubald

I know virtually nothing of St Ubald, except that he is a Bishop and Confessor (I will read his 3rd Lesson presently); but, ending Lauds just before going to Confession, I was heartened by his Collect:

Auxilium tuum nobis, Domine, quæsumus, placatus impende: et intercessione beati Ubaldi Confessoris tui atque Pontificis contra omnes diaboli nequitias dexteram super nos tuæ propitiationis extende.  Per...

(Graciously bestow, Lord, we beseech, Thine aid upon us: and at the intercession of blessed Ubald Thy Confessor and Pontiff against all the snares of the devil stretch forth over us Thy Right Hand of mercy.  Through...)

Having quickly looked up some particulars about to-day's saint, I learn that he was Bishop of Gubbio in Umbria, and his virtuous kindly life endeared him to all; his cult still thrives there.  May he indeed pray for us, that we evade Satan's wiles by God's grace!

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