Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pentecost Sunday

Mass this morning should again find me at 10am at the chapel of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer in Christchurch, N.Z. (though I may have already heard Mass last evening) - but this afternoon I'll be doing the long drive north to Blenheim, via Kaikoura, which promises to be a most scenic excursion.

To-day is a good day to consecrate oneself to the Holy Ghost, Who is God together with the Father and the Son: for this is but reminding oneself and recollecting that one was forever consecrated to God in Baptism, so this is a renewal of such holy vows:

Act of Consecration to the Holy Spirit

O HOLY SPIRIT, Divine Spirit of light and love, I consecrate to Thee my understanding, heart and will, my whole being for time and eternity.  May my understanding be always submissive to Thy heavenly inspirations, and to the teaching of the Catholic Church, of which Thou art the infallible Guide; may my heart be ever inflamed with love of God and of my neighbour, may my will be ever conformed to the Divine Will, and may my whole life be a faithful imitation of the life and virtues of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom with the Father and Thee be honour and glory forever. Amen.

Nihil obstat
MALACHY P. FOLEY, L.L.D., Lit.D. (Censor Librorum)

SAMUEL A. STRITCH, D.D. (Archbishop, Chicago)


  1. I found this hymn to be of great comfort after my Mum died,but it could also be used as Pentecost hymn:
    Come down, O love divine, seek Thou this soul of mine,
    And visit it with Thine own ardor glowing.
    O Comforter, draw near, within my heart appear,
    And kindle it, Thy holy flame bestowin
    Bianco da Siena (1400s')

  2. O yes, that is one of my own most favourite hymns - which says so truly what we must beg of the Holy Ghost!

  3. Hi Joshua

    Peter from Bunbury is now a Carmelite novice in Wyoming, USA! His new name is Brother Paul Marie of the Cross.

    Thank you for your prayers, and those of your readers.
