Monday, May 25, 2009

Novena to St Philip Neri: 9th Day

To-morrow is the feast of St Philip Neri: to-day is the eve of the feast, and the last day of his Novena.  Please consult my last year's posting of a pious passage from Fr Faber, so as to prepare the better for the feast... (and make use of Newman's Litany of St Philip).

Fittingly for the eve of one who was the Third Apostle of Rome, confidant of Popes, loyal son of the Apostolic See, unwearying accepter of crosses and tribulations, and zealous votary of primitive saints and martyrs, this day marks the feast of St Gregory VII, and St Urban I - both Popes, the latter a martyr, and the former all but a martyr, who expired saying "I have loved justice and hated iniquity, therefore I die in exile."

In Christchurch, I and any other traditionalist Catholic am spoilt for choices, with two daily Latin Masses: 7.30am Mass with the F.Ss.R. at their chapel of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, or 8.15am Mass with the F.S.S.P. at the beautiful Bl Sacrament Cathedral?  Well, as my hotel is less than a kilometre from the latter, I think I'll walk there... it will be nice to see Fr Rizzo again!

(According to my schedule, I will be driving down from Christchurch to Dunedin to-day.  Of your charity, pray for all tourists and travellers, including yours truly!)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Joshua...While you are at the Cathedral, please ask to see some photos of what the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament looked like before 1975.
