Sunday, May 17, 2009

Love of the Father, Love of God the Son

For a recessional after Mass at Carmel we sang "Love of the Father, Love of God the Son" - a beautiful, poetic hymn (to whose words close attention must be paid, an attention they will repay), with a pleasant if somewhat tricky tune by Orlando Gibbons.  

As Eastertide draws on, we approach with love and dread the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost, addressing Him in prayer: "thou dost the mind from earthly dreams recall, / and bring, through Christ, to him for whom are all." For He is "the angels' armor and the saints' reward"; to Him as God, with the Father and the Son from Whom (as One Principle) He proceeds, we sing:

Eternal Glory, all men thee adore,
who art and shalt be worshipped evermore:
us whom thou madest, comfort with thy might,
and lead us to enjoy thy heavenly light.

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