Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Feast of St Philip Neri

I hope I get the chance to get to Mass to-day...

St. Philip, inflamed with the love of God and a desire of praising him worthily, after offering him all the affections of his soul, and the homages of all his creatures, seeing in their poverty and inability nothing equal to his infinite greatness, comforted himself in finding in the Mass a means of glorifying him by a victim worthy of himself. This he offered to him with inexpressible joy, devotion, and humility, to praise and honor his holy name, to be a sacrifice of perfect thanksgiving for his infinite benefits, of expiation for sin, and of impetration to obtain all graces. Hence in this sacrifice he satiated the ardent desires of his zeal, and found such an excess of overflowing love and sweetness in the closest union of his soul with his divine Redeemer.

(from Vol. V of The Lives or the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints by the Rev. Alban Butler, the 1864 edition published by D. & J. Sadlier, & Company)

Last year I posted some liturgical texts from the Mass and Office of St Philip Neri; earlier this year I blogged about a reproduction painting of St Philip with Our Lady and sundry saints that I've purchased and had framed... these may be of interest.

(As this post appears, I should be preparing to drive through Otago and Southland to Te Anau; prayers for safe journeying please!)

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