Wednesday, May 13, 2009

99% of Blogs...

...have no readers.

I must say I'm pleased to thank my readers for putting me in the top 1%.

Thanks, everyone... each one... anyone?


  1. Bear in mind some of us read your blog via a Newsreader, e.g. Google, and you only get a 'hit' when we comment...!!!

  2. I always read Schutz's blog then come over here after that.
    Mark ,your'e a member of the Old Bill? Whereaboots in Bonnie Scotland

  3. Edinburgh, Matthias! Yes, civvie working for the Polis.

  4. ah the capital of the World ( my great grandad was a Scot with first and second names Xenophon hector.)
    Presbyterian or that rare breed a Scottish catholic-if you read any of the Banner of Truth productions,they always indicate that the reformation reduced the catholic population greatly.But as ASNeal of summerhill school said-calvinism turned Scotland from a nation of God lovers to a nation of God fearers
