Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rubrical Conundrum

I have a rubrical conundrum that any readers may be able to help to puzzle out: my 1962 Breviary (a 1995 FSSP reprint of the 1961 Dessain edition) has, for Monday to Saturday in the Octave of Easter, a versicle to be said at Lauds (In resurrectione) and Vespers (Mane nobiscum) instead of the Hæc dies that is appointed for Easter Sunday; but in the General Rubrics of the Breviary, no. 205 specifies that versus dicitur... in festo et per octavam Paschatis in solo nocturno, which I take to mean that during the Easter Octave, a versicle is only said at the sole Nocturn of Matins, and not at Lauds nor at Vespers, and this would imply that the Hæc dies ought be said every day of the Easter Octave, even at Lauds and Vespers. 

Can anyone advise how to solve this contradiction between the Proper and the General Rubrics?

1 comment:

  1. My solution is to refer to another edition:-

    In both my Diurnal (also a FSSP thing) and '62 Liber, there is no mention of In resurrectione or Mane nobiscum. All both say is that the Office during the Octave is that of Easter day, except for the Propers (e.g. Ant. at Bened.)

    It may be that the Dessain printing had an error?

    Have you checked Laszlo Kiss' site?
