Sunday, March 1, 2009

Off to Hobart for Mass

This month, our State's only Latin Mass is being held at the usual time - 11.30am on the first Sunday of the month - but at a different place: owing to works being done at St Canice, the Mass will be sung at Holy Spirit Church, Sandy Bay (the main parish church).

I'll be leaving Launceston about 8am (allowing plenty of time, since I have a friend visiting, and think it best to be able to stop and point out the sights on the way); having heard Mass, I expect to catch up with many friends from my Hobart days; I'll motor home sometime in the afternoon.


  1. Have a good time and a safe journey!

  2. Thanks, Mark - I've returned safe and sound.

  3. Heh. And I'm getting ready to go to Mass (8am here!).
