Friday, March 6, 2009

Off for the Long Weekend

I'll fly over to Melbourne to-morrow at lunchtime (having popped along to confession as per usual in the morning, I plan), and catch up with friends there.  On Sunday, I'll be at the Solemn High Mass at St Aloysius, North Caulfield, before I depart for Seymour in country Victoria.  There, I'll meet up with Pastor Fraser Pearce, who's kindly invited me to visit him up in Bendigo (he'll be there since he has the cure of Lutheran souls in Seymour also).  Come Monday morning, I'll be back in Melbourne, and hope to have some time to gad about before flying back to Tasmania mid-afternoon.  It should be a good break.

I probably won't have much time to blog over the next few days, so I wish all and sundry a happy feast of St Thomas Aquinas for to-morrow (which is also an Ember Saturday), and look forward to the second Sunday of Lent, when the Holy Roman Church celebrates the Transfiguration (Lutherans for some reason do so before rather than during Lent), and to Monday, which is the feast of St Frances of Rome, widow and mystic (she was favoured with the visible presence of her guardian angel throughout life).

Please pray with me for a safe trip.

1 comment:

  1. Regards from Santander, Spain.
    Been charmed with of having found this blog!
