Sunday, February 1, 2009

Candlemas Eve

Before Mass this Sunday morning, a nice old lady came up, said "Are you Joshua?" and then - well, luckily she's not a blog reader stalking me, it turns out her husband is the fellow I've emailed regarding getting information about the local T.A.C. parish or whatnot here in Launceston.  Apparently, he will be at Mass with his wife to-morrow morning, and will talk with me then.

I'm pleased that, given the early hour of Mass at Carmel, and the fact that work begins late to-morrow, I'll be able to attend Candlemas: according to the notice outside the chapel, the blessing of candles will be held in the large parlour, with procession to follow (i.e. the nuns will process from their side of the parlour, behind the grille, and through their secret halls up into their screened-off choir in the chapel, while the priest and laity will walk back out the parlour door, and through the passageway into the open wing of said chapel...

I must again plan to get away to Mass by 7am, and remember to bring the candles I bought to be blessed.  (Maybe I'll even say Matins of the feast to-night, by anticipation: in fact, I must, since with the pressures of work upon me I won't have the luxury of saying Matins in the morning.  It must be Lauds and Prime before work.)


  1. I spent a little bit of time getting to know a few of the TAC priests in Tasmania about 5 or 6 years ago--one of whom has now gone to the mainland. I imagine the Rev Dr Gordon Kenworthy-Neale must still be ministering, though you can conform that for me Josh in time. I am definately looking forward--Lord willing--to the time I can go to Sunday Mass at St Ninian's, here in Perth. I will be over there so quickly you won't even have time to blink. We live in prayerful hope.


  2. I commend you for normally getting in matins; I try to anticipate before Compline, but then I have bad dreams!

  3. I commend you for normally getting in matins; I try to anticipate before Compline, but then I have bad dreams!
