Friday, January 16, 2009

U.S. Seminary Visitation

A friend is returning from overseas, and asked me to post this link to the Report of the Apostolic Visitation of U.S. Seminaries - so here it is...

Does anyone know if the report of the last visitation of Australian seminaries is available?


  1. Have we ever had one in Britain?

  2. They happen every so often - about once a decade, I think. From what I hear of the bishops over in the UK, and their love of bureaucracy and secrecy (the "Magic Circle"), I doubt they'd like their Visitation reports available online!

  3. See, that's where the thing's broken... as Christ's vicars they should have nothing to hide, and in the interests of 'accountability' they should publish what is (secularly) a professional 'external inspection'.
