Saturday, January 10, 2009

They Reared an Altar to the Lord

I've just returned from an hour's walk around the Cataract Gorge, from the King's Bridge down around the circuit of the First Basin and back (about 3 km, say); on the last stretch I said my Rosary &c., but on the initial stretch I made a mobile phone call...

Justin informs me that the altar for St Anne's, Belmont, has been finished and installed!

(Photographs will eventually follow, to be posted here on my blog.)

This is an important milestone in the eventual relocation of the Perth, W.A., Latin Mass Community from St John's Pro-Cathedral to their new church.  

The altar rails and pulpit, too, have been nicely restored, and next on the list is the installation of said items, including a new flight of steps up into the high pulpit (the floor of which will be about six feet above the level of the nave); the floor, too, needs polishing, and the pews ditto.

While Fr Rowe is elsewhere (he's away on a working holiday visiting various religious overseas), it seems his indefatigable parishioners have been more than holding their own, and have worked like Trojans in the current heat wave over West.  Bravo!

As I think of all these friends, I turn to the prayer for benefactors:

Retribuere dignare, Domine, omnibus [nobis] bona facientibus, propter nomen tuum, vitam æternam.  Amen.

(Vouchsafe to reward, O Lord, all those who do [us] good, for the sake of Thy Name, with life eternal.  Amen.)

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