Wednesday, January 14, 2009

St Felix of Nola

To-day at Lauds and Low Mass the commemoration of St Felix of Nola, priest and martyr, is made; to him St Paulinus of Nola had great devotion, and in his honour wrote many a hymn.  (If Latin poetry is of interest, this link connects to some of the poems of St Paulinus: poems xii-xvi, xviii-xx are in honour of St Felix.)

Just now the English version of his Carmen natalitium viii, the hymn "Another year completed" came to mind - do take the time to look at it: as the notes over at Cyberhymnal point out, it was composed for the feast of St Felix on the 14th of January, 401 - some sixteen hundred years ago and more, while the Goths were devastating Italy.

In God's eyes, a thousand years are as a single night...

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