Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Off to Marvellous Melbourne

The Glorious See of Melbourne, most populous bishopric of Oceania, is my destination: unfortunately I fly thence perforce on the 6.15 am flight to-morrow, and will return late Tuesday.

Friends and fellow bloggers, don't forget that David Schütz and I invite all to a get-together on Sunday at 5.30 pm at the statues of SS Francis and Clare by the Cathedral before dining at a still to be announced destination, and then attending Dr Adam Cooper's booklaunch at A.C.U.

I'll be attending Mass at St Aloysius, North Caulfield, especially on Sunday of course, and also for the Solemn Requiem on Monday in supplication for the soul of Fr Tattersall's recently-departed father.  (Please pray for him.)

On Saturday, I'm planning to drive up country to Kyneton and Hanging Rock, a favourite spot of mine...

Spare a prayer for safe travel.


  1. Cool poster! See you tonight for the Blognic and Book Launch.

  2. That poster's FANTASTIC!

    Are you on Facebook, by the way?

  3. Thanks, Mark - a friend did it up for me a few years ago... and, no, I'm not on Facebook.
