Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Joint Invitation to Melbourne Blognic

My friend David Schütz and I are in process of arranging a blognic in Melbourne on the 25th of January (3rd Sunday after Epiphany - Feast of the Conversion of St Paul), at a location to be announced!  Our plan is to meet somewhere nice for dinner at 6pm, and then saunter over to Dr Adam Cooper's booklaunch at A.C.U. (115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy) for his new work Life in the Flesh: An Anti-Gnostic Spiritual Philosophy, which will also feature an address by His Lordship Christopher Prowse.

All comers most welcome to this, the 2nd annual Melbourne Catholic Bloggers' Gathering!

(RSVP here or over at David's blog.)


  1. :( I wish I could come! (Even though I have been most terribly slack as per usual in my blogg)

    Hope all is well! UK life continues to be enjoyable, hard work and full of surprises!


  2. Dear Mon, the party won't be a party without you! Wish I could afford to send you a ticket! Glad to hear you're good!!!
