Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hot Weather

Yesterday afternoon found me in Melbourne, walking the length (2 km) of the shopping strip that is Chapel Street, South Yarra, in hot weather - moving up from the high twenties to the low thirties (but I was back in my airconditioned hire car by the time it reached the day's maximum of 35.6°C at 6 pm).  But I congratulated myself at being about to decamp to Tasmania, so escaping the predicted scorching heat...

Well, to-day has found us afflicted with 33°C in Launceston - unheard of!  And worse is to come... 34°C on Thursday, then 33°C for Friday and Saturday, which for Tasmanians is almost inconceivably warm.  (In the last forty-odd years, it's only ever been as hot as 35°C in January.)

At least we have airconditioning in the dining and lounge rooms.

As for the Mainland, apparently it has been hideously hot in Melbourne (topping out at 42.9°C, again, weirdly enough, at 6 pm), and even hotter in Adelaide: minimum 31°C, maximum 45°C!  Adelaide will have much the same to-morrow, and then only slightly cooler all week; Melbourne, two more days of 43°C, and only then a bit cooler.  


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