Thursday, December 4, 2008

Stress - II

I'm taking next week off on sick leave, which I think will do me good, and give me a chance to get over my stress.

Of your charity, pray for me, since next year approaches, with a move to another State and another job, and I trust in God's Providence that "all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well", just as I have always fallen on my feet - yet without being so foolish as to think that I do not have to make some changes and prepare to do better in the future.


  1. Hope you feel better soon, Joshua.

    If I may give some advice, eschew the Internet and technology completely during your time off. Make this time completely for you.

    God bless.

  2. I take your point - however, I do feel I may do some good for others who read it by maintaining my blog, as this is my own very small attempt to exercise an apostolate of the pen, a way of promoting our Catholic Faith that I otherwise do little to propagate... I also find it relaxing.

  3. well, then, keep up with it!

    In this respect it is quite rightly "all about you"; if it makes you feel relaxed, then blog away! :D
