Wednesday, December 31, 2008

In Initio Anni

Since to-night is New Year's Eve, I thought to post this prayer relative to the coming year of Our Lord two thousand and nine, a so-called Alia Oratio, or prayer before the Diptychs, taken from the New Year's Mass according to the Mozarabic Rite:

Deus, qui idem ipse es cuiúsque anni non defícient; præbe nobis ita hunc annum cum plácita tibi servitútis devotióne transígere, quáliter et substántiis non privémur, et divínis obséquiis devotióne optábili obsequámur.
R/. Amen.  
Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, in cuius conspéctu sanctórum apostolórum et mártyrum, confessórum atque vírginum nómina recitántur.
R/. Amen.

(God, Who art always the same and Whose years never fail [Ps 101:28]; grant unto us so to pass through this year with that devotion of a service pleasing to Thee, that we may both be not deprived of due support, and be able to pay best devotion to the divine service.
(R/.  Amen.
(Through Thy mercy, Our God, in Whose sight the names of the holy apostles and martyrs, confessors and also virgins are recited.
(R/.  Amen.)


  1. Happy Near Year, Joshua! God bless.

  2. Thanks, Mark!

    Have you been accepted for seminary, BTW?

    Happy Hogmanay.

  3. I don't apply until I visit again this Spring, so pray REALLY HARD in Passion Week!!! God bless.
