Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Day

Before going for a constitutional around Tomato Lake this evening, I finished off None, and happily completed a full week's cycle of the Breviary.  As I took the opportunity yesterday to say the two psalms displaced by the Miserere of ferial Lauds of Monday and Friday respectively, I have recited all 150 of David's Psalms: may what little good is in me, graced by God and His Word, be built up by this...

I also had several joys on the natural level this Saturday - such as, for the first time in years, paying less than a dollar per litre for petrol (99.9¢/l in fact), after it reached a high here in Perth, earlier in 2008, of nearly $1.50/l.  

Finally, Mike and I again joined our mate Rob for something to eat and drink, and watched two more episodes on DVD of Lord Clark's great series "Civilization".

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