Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fratres Oratorii - Sessio VIII

To-morrow, being Monday the 8th of December, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, there will be two Masses at the Pro., each preceded by a Holy Hour: the Hour of Grace starting at 12 noon, followed by Low Mass at 1.10 pm; and Brethren of the Oratory at 5.30 pm, followed by Sung Mass at 6.30pm.  Fr will be busy...

This will be Sessio VIII of the Fratres Oratorii, our more-or-less monthly assembly for prayer after the model of our patron, St Philip Neri; given the day's solemnity, we will have Solemn Exposition (in the monstrance), and will sing the Litanies of our Lady, as well as her Advent anthem Alma Redemptoris Mater.  Our time of prayer will fall close to the first anniversary of the Brethren of the Oratory, which began on the 20th of November last year.

After the Missa cantata, some of us who are willing will go off for dinner at a certain Thai restaurant, which should be a pleasant way to celebrate Our Lady's feast indeed!

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