Friday, December 5, 2008

First Anniversary

A year ago I began this blog - please consult my first entry, explaining its purpose and name, and commending it to the heavenly patronage of St Sabbas, whose feast falls each year on this the 5th of December.  

(He has a church in Rome, San Saba Abate on the Aventine, founded by Greek monks in the 7th century: their monastery died out, but his church, rebuilt in the 15th, remains; the good people of the area still celebrate his cult, not just on his feast, but also on the Sunday in the third week of August, with Mass and a typical Italian procession and festa.)

In his honour, and to pray for myself, for this blog (?!) and my readers, I will hear Mass at the Pro. this afternoon; I hope to go to confession at the other Pro., St Joachim's, the current stand-in for the Cathedral (which is being rebuilt), earlier in the day...

May the intercession, we beseech, Lord, of blessed Abbot Sabbas commend us: that, what by our merits we cannot achieve, by his patronage we may attain.  Through...

P.S. As I only turned on my site meter some six days later, I would say that I've had about 13,000 visits in the past year, with a linear progression in readership each month.

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