Wednesday, December 24, 2008

End of Advent

Well, the Advent Office ended with None, and, all shopping having been done, all that remains is to while away the evening, wrap the last few prezzies, watch the carols from St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne on TV, and (at sunset, about 9pm) pray First Vespers of Christmas.

Then, perhaps a nap till I have to drive over to Carmel for the Midnight Mass...

Oh, one last Advent query: How many of you, dear readers, abstain from flesh meat on Christmas Eve?  (We always eat fish for dinner to-day as a family tradition of forgotten origin - it wasn't till I learnt about the old fasting rules that I realized this must be a relic somehow preserved of the former custom.)


  1. Hi Joshua,

    Hope you are doing well in Tassie!
    Have a safe and holy Christmas from all the people at Kelmscott including all our family.

    Speaking of fasting, we are doing an abstinence from meat today, which is hard, because it is mum's birthday! I actually only found out about it on a calendar yesterday, so this is the first time we've done it!

    Best wishes
    Matthew Biddle

  2. Happy birthday to your dear Mum! And merry Christmas to you all!
