Monday, December 15, 2008

Comments, Please!

Obviously people are reading this blog (if the counter's anything to go on), but who?  And why? 

Out of curiosity, I'd like to know!  Leave a comment.


  1. I being a quasi-seminarian read with interest. What else are we to do? Study?

  2. Me! I read because I like the way you write about the liturgical year, and Breviaries and whatnot, and you remind me to try and better my practice. Keep up the good work.

  3. (The picture, BTW, is me peering out of my own little world into the mysterious realms beyond...)

  4. I am a priest from the USA with an interest, of course, in liturgy. I very much enjoy this blog.

    Fr. Jim

  5. I comment occasionally - I enjoyed the discussion on Miltiades :) As to who I am - I'm an apostate (technical) Jew who will, eventually formally reconcile* with the Church.

    *Reconciled in heart/mind, but not formally due to some unusual personal circumstances.

  6. I enjoy reading this well-written and witty blog because it's the only one I've come across that is entertaining, enlightening, edifying and uplifting all in one! Great stuff! It helps to illuminate an otherwise mundane world...

  7. Thanks, Father! Watch out I don't get even more conceited...

    S. of T. - will pray for you.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
