Thursday, November 20, 2008

St Felix of Valois

I have previously blogged on St Felix, one of the cofounders of the Trinitarians.

Interestingly, it transpires that the history of St Felix is quite obscure, and he was never officially canonized - instead, his cult was allowed by Rome in 1666...

In the current 2005 Martyrology, he is commemorated on the 4th of November in tenth place, and moreover his entry is marked with an asterisk, signifying that it is only to be read in places and religious houses where he is venerated (as is done with those equipollently canonized and the merely beatified).  This is what is written:

Apud Cervum Frigidum* territorii Meldensis in Gallia, sancti Felicis de Valois, qui, postquam solitariam vitam diu egit, socius sancti Joannis de Matha in Ordine Sanctissimæ Trinitatis Redemptione Captivorum instituendo fuisse habetur.

(At Cerfroi* in the territory of Meaux in France, St Felix of Valois, who, after having long practised the solitary life, is held to have been the companion of St John of Matha in establishing the Order of the Most Holy Trinity for the Redemption of Captives.)

[*Literally, "Cold Stag" - which sounds more like a town in Arizona than in France!]

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