Wednesday, November 12, 2008

German Rosary

(Looking south across the lake to the CBD; the suburb in the foreground is Leederville, and beneath the two tallest trees on the skyline should be St Michael the Archangel Chapel, at the Catholic Education Office.)

While circumambulating Lake Monger after work (forgive my odd style, I just like words and syntax, especially if archaic and arcane), a walk of about three and a half kilometres (a bit more than two miles), I was moved to say the Rosary, and tried it, not in German, but in a German manner (or so I believe), in that, to try and avoid distraction and focus on the mysteries at least verbally, in each Hail Mary, after "...and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus", I added a phrase appropriate to each mystery, as "who rose from the dead", or "who ascended into heaven".  This, as well as stating which mystery I was to consider at the start of each decade, and at the end of each saying "May the grace of the mystery of the ______ come down into my heart and soul and abide there for ever", seemed to help ever so slightly. 

So, dear reader, if you feel so inclined, try it and see if it's a help or hindrance for you.

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