Monday, November 17, 2008


Yesterday's Collect for the 6th after Epiphany (used for the 27th after Pentecost) was noteworthy for reminding us that what is rational, according to right reason, is also what is pleasing to the Logos, as the Pope said at Regensburg:

Præsta, quæsumus, omnipotens Deus: ut semper rationabilia meditantes, quæ tibi sunt placita, et dictis exsequamur, et factis.  Per...

(Grant, we beseech, almighty God, that ever meditating upon what is true, what is pleasing to Thee, we may perform, both in what is said and done.  Through...)

The day also marked the feast of another favourite saint of mine, St Gertrude:

Deus, qui in corde beatæ Gertrudis Virginis jucundam tibi mansionem præparasti: ipsius meritis et intercessione; cordis nostri maculas clementer absterge, et ejusdem tribue gaudere consortio.  Per...

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