Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Advent of Our God

The coming of our God
Our thoughts must now employ;
Then let us meet Him on the road
With songs of holy joy.

The co-eternal Son
A Maiden's offspring see;
A servant’s form Christ putteth on
To set His people free.

Daughter of Zion, rise
To greet thine infant King;
Nor let thy stubborn heart despise
The pardon He doth bring.

In glory from His throne
Again will Christ descend, 
And summon all that are His own
To joys that never end.

Let deeds of darkness fly
Before the approaching morn,
For unto sin 'tis ours to die
And serve the Virgin-born.

Our joyful praises sing
To Christ, that set us free;
Like tribute to the Father bring,
And, Holy Ghost, to Thee.

Instantis adventum Dei
Poscamus ardenti prece;
Festique munus inclytum
Præoccupemus canticis.

Æterna proles, feminæ 
Non horret includi sinu;
Fit ipse servus, ut jugo
Nos servitutis eximat.

Mansuetus et clemens venit;
Occurre festina, Sion;
Ultro tibi quam porrigit,
Ne dura pacem respuas.

Mox nube clara fulgurans
Mundi redibit arbiter,
Suique membra corporis
Cœlo triumphator vehet.

Fœtus tenebrarum, die
Cedant propinquo crimina: 
Adam reformetur vetus,
Imago succedat novi.

Qui Liberator advenis, 
Fili, tibi laus maxima
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu
In sempiterna saecula.  Amen.

– Charles Coffin (1676-1749), Matins Hymn in the Paris Breviary;
translated by R. Campbell (1814-1868, et al.

(There is another translation available at Cyberhymnal; I prefer the tune Franconia.)

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