Saturday, October 25, 2008

Travel Plans - Adelaide Ordination

While I must still arrange to send my car back East on the train (having decided against driving it over), I have just, after some contretemps and mistakes, booked to fly to Adelaide on the 19th of December, thus leaving the West behind, and on to Launceston on the 22nd, where I shall be based for 2009 and who knows how long.

Breaking my trip with this long weekend in South Australia will permit me to attend the priestly ordination of Rev Br Mannes Tellis, O.P., at St Francis Xavier's Cathedral at 6pm on Saturday the 20th (the old Ember Saturday of Advent, the traditional date for ordinations), and then to come to his first Masses (one OF, the other EF) on Sunday the 21st, the 4th Sunday of Advent.

Mannes told me that while he was a child, his grandmother would look after him and his brother during their school holidays, and that, as she was very devout, she would take them every day to St Francis Xavier's Cathedral for three Masses (and Benediction); they would play around outside the Cathedral, and be ushered in as each service commenced - so it must be with special emotion that he contemplates his ordination there in just under two months' time.

Of your charity, please pray for him, that he may be a holy and zealous priest, a worthy son of St Dominic.

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