Sunday, October 5, 2008

Retreat Request

Regular postings will resume on Friday afternoon, after the retreat ends.

Fr Rowe will be bringing with him relics of St Ignatius Loyola and St Bruno, Founder of the Carthusians: for the former is patron of our retreat, being done after his manner, and the latter contemplative's feast occurs providentially during our retreat week, to-morrow, on Monday. (Of course, Holy Church also puts before us the following: on Tuesday, Our Blessed Lady and her Rosary; on Wednesday, St Bridget of Sweden, widow and mystic; on Thursday, St John Leonard, priest, founder, friend of St Philip Neri; and on Friday, St Francis Borgia, who, from so notorious a family, having been a person of quality and a husband and father, rose through abasement to be a great contemplative and excellent General of the Jesuits; while on several days holy martyrs and saints of the primitive Church are commemorated, such as St Denis.) We ought live now in the fellowship of the saints and angels, that we may share their blessed company in heaven hereafter - so wrote the soon-to-be-beatified Newman.

Of your charity, please pray for Fr Rowe, the other retreatants, and myself, that the retreat we are about to undertake at Toodyay may be for the salvation of our souls, and, above all, for the greater glory of God.

I undertake to pray, as I did during my WYD pilgrimage, for all and sundry, using the psalm Ad te Domine levavi &c.

Oremus pro invicem!

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