Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just About Ready!

I'm running around getting a few last minute jobs done... I have to collect Fr Rowe and Matthew, one of the retreatants, at 4.30pm, and before then I have to pack, etc.

Thank goodness for a coffee and two doughnuts! They really recharged me!

I've just obtained a new bookcase (always a good idea) from a secondhand bookshop that's closing: I had paid for it before my holiday, but forgot to pick it up yesterday, and had to squeeze it into my car, with part of it sticking out the front passenger window, which made driving home a bit ticklish. Anyhow, it's done now, Deo gratias.

In some sad news from home, Mum and Dad have had to have their pet cat, Kermit, put down, as his health was very badly impaired and the vet held out no hope. My father hasn't had the best of health for a while, and is getting old, and was very fond of the cat, which they've had for 13 years, so it has been upsetting for him and for Mum. They were burying him this morning. However, they still have their two pet dogs.

I know cats and dogs have no immortal souls, but they are man's companions, which for a time bring us happiness, and to lose one is painful: all things pass away: lacrymae rerum!

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