Wednesday, October 15, 2008

First Summer Day

To-day has also been the first day of summer, or at least of summer weather - 29.5°C at a quarter to four this afternoon, and still over twenty degrees at half ten at night; to-morrow will be a degree or two hotter, before a cooler Thursday.  Indeed, this is the warmest day since six months ago exactly on the 14th of April, which was 33.1°C.   So the warm dry season begins!

I must say I don't really like Perth summer weather at all, given that I'm from cooler climes.

To-night also brought blessings, with five of us round the table for dinner, and some changes coming, with Stephen moving out in preparation for entering the seminary, God willing, next year. Stephen and I just prayed Compline in our chapel, which was a holy end to the day.

Please pray for all seminarians and those considering their vocation.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, summer is here. I noticed that yesterday evening when I went out for a lovely walk in the evening sunshine at about 6pm. Pass on my best wishes for Stephen, great to hear.

