Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Tiring Week

St Joseph of Cupertino on Thursday, and SS Januarius and Companions yesterday, have gone by without much comment: I've been rather busy and tired, and put off by irritations at work.

God, Who didst dispose Thy Onlybegotten Son exalted above earth to draw all (to Himself): mercifully permit, that, by the merits and example of Thy seraphic Confessor Joseph, lifted above all earthly desires, we may deserve to draw nigh unto Him: Who with Thee liveth...

I do hope that the blood of St Januarius kept as relics once more liquefied in its phials...

On a positive note, now we're into Spring it's the season for strawberries, and the first peaches too: so God is good.  Even better, I have a holiday coming up, and a Retreat...

Today's Saints, the Martyrs Eustace and Companions, intercede for us!

God, Who dost permit us to worship the birthdays of Thy holy Martyrs Eustace and his Companions, grant unto us to rejoice in eternal beatitude in their fellowship.  Through...

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