Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stigmata of St Francis - II

"...  The... marvellous but thoroughly witnessed facts [concerning the stigmata of St Francis], which were already spoken of in Papal documents with especial praise and joy, were made, by the pleasure of Pope Benedict XI, the subject of a yearly memorial, which was afterwards extended by Paul V to the whole Church, in the hope of fanning in the hearts of the faithful the love of Christ Crucified."  (Lesson vi of Matins of this feast, prior to the '62 Breviary)

Tu autem, Domine, miserere nobis.  R/.  Deo gratias.

Antiphon, Versicle, and Collects in Honour of the Stigmata of St Francis

Aña. Absorbeat, quæso, Domine, mentem meam vis ignita et melliflua amoris tui, ut amore amoris tui mundo moriar, qui amore amoris mei dignatus es in cruce mori.

V/. Signasti, Domine, servum tuum Franciscum.
R/. Signis redemptionis nostræ.


Domine Jesu Christe, qui frigescente mundo ad inflammandum corda nostra tui amoris igne, in carne beatissimi Patris nostri Francisci Passionis tuæ sacra Stigmata renovasti: concede propitius, ut ejus meritis et precibus crucem jugiter feramus, et dignos fructus pænitentiæ faciamus. Qui vivis et regnas in sæculum sæculorum.  R/.  Amen. 
Deus, qui beati Patris nostri Francisci corpus Passionis Filii tui signaculis decorasti, et animam in cælis mirabiliter sublimasti: concede propitius, ut qui ejusdem commemorationem celebramus, carnem nostram cum vitiis crucifigere, et ad cælestem patriam pervenire valeamus. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum.  R/.  Amen.
Deus, qui mira crucis mysteria in beato Patre nostro Francisco Confessore tuo multiformiter demonstrasti: da nobis, quæsumus, devotionis suæ semper exempla sectari, et assidua ejusdem crucis meditatione muniri. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.  R/.  Amen.

Ant. I beseech you, O Lord, may the burning and mellifluous power of your love absorb my mind, that I may die to the world for the love of your love, who deigned to die on the cross for love of my love. (attr. St Francis of Assisi)

V/.  You have marked, O Lord, your servant Francis.
R/.  With the marks of our redemption.

Let us pray.

O God, who adorned the body of our blessed Father Francis with the signs of the Passion of your Son, and wondrously exalted his soul into heaven: graciously grant, that we who celebrate the commemoration of the same, may crucify our flesh with its vices, and have the strength to attain to the heavenly fatherland. Through the same Christ our Lord.   R/.  Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, who, when the world was growing cold, in order to inflame our hearts with the fire of your love, renewed the sacred marks of your passion in the flesh of our most blessed Father Francis; mercifully grant that by his merits and prayers we may always bear our cross, and bring forth worthy fruits of penance. Who live and reign world without end.   R/.  Amen.
O God, who in divers ways shewed in our Father blessed Francis, your Confessor, the wonderful mysteries of the Cross, grant, we beseech you, that we may ever follow the example of his devotion, and be strengthened by constant meditation on that same Cross. Through Christ our Lord.   R/.   Amen.

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