Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Korean Martyrs

Having had a lazy day, I finally got around to Morning Prayer with Michael and James in the early afternoon!  Since it is better to pray with others ("two or three gathered" and all that), and because I'm the only one with a '62 Breviary, we used the modern Office: which had the happy result of keeping the feast of the 103 canonized Martyrs of Korea, SS Andrew Kim Taegon and Companions - and keeping in mind the many thousands more as yet uncanonized, but all so very precious in God's sight.  

Te Martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus!  

The English (as opposed to that dreadful ICEL American edition) of the modern Office was published before this feast was inserted into the modern Calendar; however, all is from the Common, except for the Collect, which I read from my modern Latin Office:

Deus, omnium gentium creator et salus, qui in Coreana regione ad catholicam fidem populum adoptionis mirabiliter vocasti atque sanctorum martyrum Andreæ, Pauli ac sociorum gloriosa confessione crescere fecisti, eorum exemplo et intercessione concede, ut nos quoque in mandatis tuis usque ad mortem perseverare valeamus.  Per...

(God, the Creator and salvation of all peoples, Who in the Korean region wondrously called a people of adoption to the Catholic Faith and also made to grow the glorious confession of the holy martyrs Andrew, Paul and companions, concede by their example and intercession that we also may have the strength to persevere until death in Thy commandments.  Through...)

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