Saturday, September 6, 2008

First Friday

After stopping off for a coffee after work, I drove over to the Redemptorist Monastery: it being a First Friday, they were having evening Mass - I arrived at the Ecce Agnus Dei - and moreover the confessional was manned, so there I went.  The sight of the Host shewn to us did I think move my heart, on this day sacred to the Sacred Heart.  

Next I motored on, and got to the Pro. in time for Benediction: always a great grace.  George was serving, and I checked with him to see if he'd like me to serve the ensuing Mass - which he was.  (Tonight was the feast of St Laurence Justinian, Patriarch of Venice.)  So I had the trifecta: Confession, Benediction, and Mass, perfected by Holy Communion, on this First Friday.

(For prayer in thanksgiving after Mass, I read the Greek prayers for use after Holy Communion as I often do, most of which may be accessed here.)

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