Friday, August 1, 2008

Wyoming News

Fr Rowe told me, BTW, after returning on Monday from his monthly Mass supply in Bunbury, that latest news there is that Peter, a Bunbury guy who left Australia to join the Carmelite Monks in Wyoming a month and a half ago (see also this post), has now received the habit - on his birthday. Of course, the Carmelite practice is not to give the whole habit at once (as Dominicans do), but to dole out bits and pieces of it over the years between first arrival and the final, solemn vows...

I hope to hear more details via his family in Bunbury in due course - there's no word yet on when he will begin novitiate and receive his religious name, but from all accounts he is prospering and really loving the monastic Carmelite life, faithful to the Traditional Liturgy and asceticism and mysticism of the religious of Carmel.

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