Sunday, August 17, 2008

What a Beaut and Catholic Custom

The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer have just held a triduum in honour of Our Lady's Assumption - or, rather, of her death, repose in the tomb, and subsequent taking up into heaven - in accordance with the Redemptorist traditions and the teachings of St Alphonsus: all of which, coming from southern Italy, seem redolent of Greek influences.  The Eastern term Pascha of the Theotokos comes irresistibly to mind!  

On the 13th, they erected a magnificent and festive catafalque in their chapel, complete with statue of Our Lady "fallen asleep in the Lord" (cf. the Epitaphion of the Theotokos), gathered about her in imitation of the Apostles, and had Mass in honour of Our Lady Refuge of Sinners; on the 14th, they meditated on her repose in the tomb, and celebrated the Vigil Mass of the Assumption (in violet vestments, of course), followed by Benediction; and on the triumphant 15th, her image removed from the catafalque now dressed with countless flowers, they celebrated her bodily resurrection and passage into heavenly glory with a splendid High Mass.  

I had read that like triduums of Masses had been held of old in some places in Italy, but never realized that these wonderful and very Eastern customs are still kept up.  All praise to these zealous religious!


  1. How wonderful!

  2. Couldn't find where I posted this comment, but it was supposed ot be here:

    I came across an interesting Office for a feast "Transitus B.M.V." which I intended to post online before the Assumption, but it looks as if it will be after. Do you know anything about it? I don't have 'Fasti Mariani' at hand immediately.

  3. Never heard of it! I've attended the Transitus for St Francis before, though...

    Please post this text: I love such items.

    Pardon my ignorance - what's "Fasti Mariani"?

  4. "Fasti Mariani sive Calendarium Festorum Sanctae Mariae Virginis Deiparae" by a Fr. Holweck, who also wrote a nice, post Pius X work on the same subject. I wonder sometimes whether he had Offices and Masses for all of them. This particular feast was in an old Goan Proprium but I wanted to find out more about it.
