Saturday, August 2, 2008

St Alphonsus; First Saturday; Portiuncula Indulgence

This morning Michael (our new housemate) and I drove in to Mass at the Pro.; he served the Mass, but then had to dash off to an appointment with his spiritual director or somesuch, so I took over and served Benediction, which Fr Rowe does on First Saturdays.

The proper Mass of St Alphonsus, that wonderful saint and great moral theologian, apostle of the love of God against the inhuman coldness of Jansenism, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church and Founder of the Redemptorists, is very fine, particularly the secret and postcommunion, which interpret to us the ardor with which he cleaved to and extolled the Eucharistic Sacrifice, and how we therefore should join ourselves to it:

Cælésti, Dómine Jesu Christe, sacrifícii igne corda nostra in odórem suavitatis exúre: qui beato Alphónso Maria tribuísti et hæc mystéria celebráre, et per éadem hóstiam tibi sanctam seipsum exhibére: Qui vivis...

O Lord Jesus Christ, burn our hearts up with the fire of heavenly sacrifice for an odor of sweetness, Who didst grant to blessed Alphonsus Mary both to celebrate these mysteries and, through them, to offer himself to Thee a holy victim. Who livest...

Deus, qui beátum Alphonsum Maríam Confessorem tuum atque Pontíficem, fidélem divíni mystérii dispensatórem et præcónem effecísti: ejus méritis, precibúsque concéde; ut fidéles tui et frequénter percípiant et percipiéndo sine fine colláudent. Per...

God, Who didst make blessed Alphonsus Mary, Thy Confessor and Bishop, a faithful dispenser and preacher of the divine mystery, grant, by his merits and prayers, that Thy faithful may both frequently receive it, and, receiving it, praise without ceasing. Through...

As is fitting, we sang "O Bread of heaven" as a bridge between Mass of St Alphonsus, who wrote that hymn, and the act of worship of the Eucharist to come.

To gain today's plenary indulgence, called that of the Portiuncula, after the usual Exposition hymn O salutaris hostia, and the First Saturday Consecration to the Immaculate Heart and Litany of Loreto before the Blessed Sacrament exposed, we said - in the vernacular - the Confiteor &c. as an Act of Contrition, the Nicene Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and again the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, the Glory be &c. to pray for the Pope's intentions. Benediction proper with came next the Tantum ergo, preceded by the usual prayer for the conversion of Australia, and then, after Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament while we sang Adoremus in æternum... Laudate Dominum omnes gentes..., all concluded with "O Lady of Fatima hail".

Since I haven't found the Prayer for the Conversion of Australia online, here it is, as we still say it before the Tantum ergo &c. every time we have Benediction:


O God, Who hast appointed Mary, Help of Christians, St Francis Xavier, and St Therese of the Infant Jesus Patrons of Australia, grant that through their intercession our brethren outside the Church may receive the light of faith, so that Australia may become one in faith under one Shepherd. Through Christ our Lord. R/. Amen.

Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.
St Francis Xavier, pray for us.
St Therese of the Infant Jesus, pray for us.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the prayer for conversion of Australia Joshua, I've been looking around for that for a while. But I'm sure I've heard a version with Blessed Mary McKillop added to it - anyone know of this?
