Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy Feast Days

The press of business has prevented me doing much posting, unfortunately.

(And it has been nice to kick back after work on cold evenings keeping toasty before the blazing fire, with a good bottle of wine and a pile of books...)

I am awaiting the response to some interview questions...

Best wishes to all for that most glorious feast of Our Lord's Transfiguration, revealing to His chosen three somewhat of the effulgence of His Divinity, strengthening them against the scandal of the Cross, and by His metamorphosis shewing how His elect shall shine like the sun in the Kingdom of His Father.

Best wishes, too, for the Feast of St Sixtus and Companions, Pope and Martyrs - a forefeast, as it were, of that martyred Pontiff's most saintly deacon, Lawrence, whose feast approaches.

And for today, let us celebrate Bl Mary MacKillop, praying that her good works be not extinguished, but may continue to bring forth fruit for the Church.

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