Friday, July 25, 2008

WYD Memoirs: Tuesday 15th July 2008 (Continued)

I take up the tale of my WYD adventure from where I left off, some posts back, on Tuesday evening...

Andrew (my newfound American friend) and I finally left Starbucks and went off in search of food - we had missed the pilgrim meal, provided only at Barangaroo after the Cardinal's Mass. As we walked aimlessly, I spotted somewhere I'd once dined, so we went to the Indian restaurant next to it, and enjoyed a fairly good meal, but for the complimentary pappadams: butter chicken, lamb rogan josh (of course! - A. thought it a bit too spicy), rice, and naan bread. To introduce the local beverages, I bought us both a Cascade Premium beer, made not far from where I once lived in Hobart.

Anyhow, life is more than feasting...

We headed over to the Cathedral, and were very lucky to find it 'unguarded' and open, with plenty of people inside but not too many. (Later on I tried twice to return to the Cathedral, but found it impossible to gain entrance.) As so many, I too knelt before the painting of Our Lady of the Southern Cross and consecrated myself to the Blessed Virgin, using the prayer provided (which carries a special plenary indulgence under the usual conditions) - see previous post. I was moved to pray before the large and very lifelike Crucifix, as also before Our Lord, reposing in the Sacrament of His Love in the high altar tabernacle. Old friends - Dominicans Br Paul and Rev Br Mannes - appeared on the scene, and we tried to quietly meet and greet so as not to disrupt all those praying. Around the ambulatory there was a very tasteful and moving display about the life and death of Bl Pier Giorgio Frassati, and it was again wonderful to kneel before the casket containing his sacred relics, which shall rise triumphant on the last day, to join the redeemed flock on Our Saviour's right - see my earlier posting about him. I prayed very hard, as best I could, for certain intentions: deliverance from evil, perseverance in good...

Next we descended to the Crypt, where Adoration was in progress. I was curious to notice in front of one of the side altars an inscription in memory of Cardinal Kelly, describing him as a Count of the Holy Roman Empire - I recall that the Holy See bestowed this title as late as the mid-20th C. I expect that nasty Paul VI abolished it, like everything else fun.

We left the Cathedral after 10pm. Andrew had to travel to a different part of Sydney to meet up with his own pilgrim group, but helped me to get where I was going first. Even so, it was after midnight before I got to my lodgings.

BTW, here am I relaxing in the room so kindly provided for me!

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