Sunday, July 13, 2008

Totus Tuus, Maria

Pilgrims are encouraged to visit St Mary's Cathedral, and there consecrate themselves to Our Blessed Lady, a devotion that I once undertook, but need to rekindle in my soul, as by again taking up my daily Rosary (as I have just done after many false starts) and above all by striving to live as a true child of Mary, and thus to be docile, that I may be formed by the Holy Ghost, to so behave as befits a coheir of Christ, to adhere to grace so as to be a son of God; here is a prayer that may be used:

A Prayer of Consecration
Our Lady of the Southern Cross,
Help of Christians

Mary, you are the Mother of Jesus, our Lord. He gave you, while on the Cross, to be our Mother. You are Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Help of Christians. You were created full of grace by God, our loving Father. The Holy Spirit has made you the greatest of Saints.

Your “yes” to God’s Word teaches us how to receive the power of His Spirit. Your presence in the upper room inspired the first disciples to trust completely in the promise of the risen Christ: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses.” (Acts 1:8)

I now consecrate myself entirely to your Immaculate Heart and through it to to the Sacred Heart of Jesus your Son so that I might be a witness to Jesus in the power of His Spirit.

Come Holy Spirit! Renew in us the graces of our Baptism. Pour out in abundance your gifts given in Confirmation, when the voice of the Father reaffirmed our original vocation “You are my beloved son.” Provide a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit in us that we might be completely seized by God, who is love. Mary, teach us to be attentive to the voice of God in silence, and to live lives of service in truth, joy and peace. Totus Tuus. I am all yours. Amen.

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