Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Busy Day

After getting to Mass late - at the elevation of the chalice! - finishing off Matins and Lauds (as my thanksgiving), and then having coffee with the usual bunch of parishioners and Fr Rowe, it was time for Fr and I to head off with George on a hunting and gathering expedition: a priest in another parish was getting rid of surplus items, and we came over to collect his vestment press... On the way, I read Terce and Sext aloud (Fr reading the collect &c.), and once we had the press in the trailer (I slotted in Prime while the other two secured it) we then motored on to St Anne's to drop it off - and en route we got through the remainder of the day's Office: None, Vespers and Compline. But then we had to go to George's temporary digs (and got through the psalms of tomorrow's Matins, anticipated), for some lunch, and to collect other stuff to dump at his usual dwelling (guess what? as we drove we had the rest of tomorrow's Matins - and Lauds). I refused any more Office in the car on the grounds that all the psalms were making me dizzy: tomorrow, I start with Prime. Having been to George's, it was then over to Fr's, and then back into town, where I could finally collect my car...

Though today was a feria, Fr Rowe said Mass of St Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr, using the Proper Mass conceded to the Passionists and the Italian dioceses of Senigalia and Albano (which I take it is allowable, as if one were saying a Mass pro aliquibus locis as it were as a votive); it is unusual in that the psalm-texts employed for its chants are taken from the new version translated from the Hebrew under the ægis of Pius XII - whereas normally they are not even from the Vulgate, but from the older Roman Psalter:

Introit (Ps 118:95-96, 1 - Versio Piana) [The same verses are used in the Common, but in the older version]

Me expectant peccatores ut perdant me: ad præscripta tua attendo: omnis perfectionis vidi esse terminum: latissime patet mandatum tuum. Ps. Beati quorum immaculata est via: qui ambulant in lege Domini. V/. Gloria Patri...


Deus, qui famulæ tuæ Mariæ in tenera ætate victoriam martyrii contulisti: da nobis, quæsumus, ejus patrocinio in mandatis tuis constantiam, qui dedisti certanti virgini coronam. Per...

Epistle (I Cor. i, 26-29; ii, 14)

Fratres: Videte vocationem vestram, quia non multi sapientes secundum carnem, non multi potentes, non multi nobiles; sed quæ stulta sunt mundi elegit Deus, ut confundat sapientes: et infirma mundi elegit Deus, ut confundat fortia; et ignobilia mundi et contemptibilia elegit Deus, et ea quæ non sunt, ut ea quæ sunt destrueret: ut non glorietur omnis caro in conspectu ejus.
Animalis autem homo non percipit ea quæ sunt Spiritus Dei; stultitia enim est illi, et non potest intelligere, quia spiritualiter examinatur.

Gradual (Ps 70:4,6b - Versio Piana)

Deus meus, eripe me de manu iniqui, de pugno improbi et oppressoris. V/. A ventre matris meæ eras protector meus.

Alleluia (Ps 70:6c-7 - Versio Piana)

Alleluja. V/. In te speravi semper. Tamquam prodigium apparui multis; tu enim fuisti adjutor meus fortis.

Gospel (St John xii, 23-25)

In illo tempore: Dixit Jesus discipulis suis: Venit hora ut clarificetur Filius hominis. Amen, amen dico vobis, nisi granum frumenti cadens in terram, mortuum fuerit, ipsum solum manet; si autem mortuum fuerit, multum fructum affert. Qui amat animam suam, perdet eam; et qui odit animam suam in hoc mundo, in vitam æternam custodit eam.

Offertory (Ps 73:19 - Versio Piana)

Ne tradideris vulturi vitam turturis tibi, vitam pauperum tuorum noli oblivisci in perpetuum.

Secret (cf. Rom. xii, 1b)

Placationis tibi hostiam, Domine, offerimus, qua beata Maria famula tua, prima jam ætate, didicit corpus suum hostiam sanctam tibique placentem exhibere. Per...

Communion (Isaias xxxiii, 6c)

Timor Domini ipse est thesaurus ejus.


Cælesti pane refectis, da, quæsumus, Domine, eam in tuenda corporis et animæ castitate fortitudinem: quam famulæ tuæ Mariæ mirabiliter contulisti. Per...

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