Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Why is it that, on ordinary Sundays, the psalm antiphons for Lauds and the Little Hours have alleluias, whereas the antiphons for Vespers and Matins do not?

And furthermore, prior to the Office reform under Pope St Pius X, Lauds on Sundays after Pentecost (and after Epiphany) had only three antiphons: for the first three psalms (92, 99, and counting 62 and 66 together) Alleluja, alleluja. (not retained in the post-1912 Breviary); for the Benedicite (Dan. iii), Tres pueri as in the 1962; and for the praising-psalms (148-150, under one conclusion), Alleluja, alleluja, alleluja. (again, not retained).


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