Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday Low Mass; Alert: Fratres Oratorii, Sessio VI

A great start to the day - a good sleep in, since I wasn't needed to sing at Mass!

I don't normally like missing the sung liturgy on Sunday, but once in a while it's okay, I find, and it was nice to attend the 11.15 am Low Mass.

Here is the glorious collect of the day, the 6th after Pentecost:

Deus virtútum, cujus est totum quod est óptimum: ínsere pectóribus nostris amórem tui nóminis,et præsta in nobis religiónis augmentum: ut quæ sunt bona, nútrias, ac pietátis stúdio, quæ sunt nutrita, custódias. Per...

Here is its Cranmerian version, infinitely better than any ICEL version of course:

LORD of all power and might, who art the author and giver of all good things; Graft in our hearts the love of thy Name, increase in us true religion, nourish us with all goodness, and of thy great mercy keep us in the same; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Since Fr Rowe has headed off after lunch to Bunbury on his monthly supply there, we will have a Monday evening Mass this week, which I can attend after work.

Better still, on Tuesday, being the feast of St John the Baptist, there will be a second evening Mass (at 6.30 pm), and before it, at 5.30 pm, we will have Sessio VI of the on-again, off-again Brothers of the Oratory:

  • Solemn Exposition (as more congruent to the solemnity of the day)
  • Litanies of the Saints (invoking all the saints and angels, among them the great Precursor)
  • Half-an-hour of mental prayer
  • Solemn Benediction
  • Salve Regina
  • Hymn to St Philip

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