Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Prayer to SS Peter and Paul

This is taken from a medieval book of Hours, but is in fact the Magnificat antiphon, a versicle, and the Collect (with its pleasant nautical theme) for the Octave Day of SS Peter and Paul, eight days' hence:

Aña. Petrus apostolus et Paulus doctor gentium ipsi nos docuerunt legem tuam domine.

V/. In omnem terram exivit sonus eorum.
R/. Et in fines orbis terrae verba eorum.


Deus, cujus dextera beatum Petrum, ambulantem in fluctibus, ne mergeretur, erexit, et coapostolum ejus Paulum, tertio naufragantem, de profundo pelagi liberavit: exaudi nos propitius, et concede; ut, amborum meritis, æternitatis gloriam consequamur. Per...

Ant. Peter, the Apostle, and Paul, the Doctor of the Gentiles, they taught us Thy law, O Lord.

V/. In all the earth their voice has gone forth.
R/. And their words unto the ends of the earth.

Let us pray.

O God, Whose right hand raised up blessed Peter when he was walking on the waves, lest he be submerged, and saved his fellow apostle Paul from the depth of the sea when he was shipwrecked for the third time, hear us graciously and grant that we may pursue the glory of eternity by the favors of both. Through...

It used to be the custom that when Dominicans and Franciscans got together, they would sing a version of this antiphon, interlarded with Ps 116 and the doxology: Seraphicus Pater Franciscus, et Apostolicus Pater Dominicus, ipsi nos docuerunt legem tuam, Domine. (Seraphic Father Francis and Apostolic Father Dominic, they taught us Thy law, O Lord.) If it were Franciscans hosting Dominicans, out of politeness to their guests they would name St Dominic first, and vice versa.


  1. I like that this feast also has a 'hodie' antiphon. I think it's sweet.

  2. Yes, those Hodie antiiphons are great - and originally Greek, d'you know!

    See my earlier posting on this:
