Saturday, June 21, 2008

St Juliana, Obtain for us Viaticum

St Juliana Falconieri ever wept over Our Lord's sorrowful Passion and Our Lady's bitter sufferings as His compassionate coredeeming Mother. She was the first flower of the Servite Nuns. By reason of her great love for the Most Blessed Sacrament, she was specially favoured at her death by a Eucharistic miracle: for, being unable to swallow the Host, she had begged the priest to at least hold It close to her, whereupon the Sacred Particle disappeared, being piously supposed to have been translated into her that she might receive her Viaticum. Our Mother the Church Catholic therefore bits us pray for Viaticum and strengthening at the hour of our death:

Deus, qui beatam Julianam Virginem tuam extremo morbo laborantem, pretioso Filii tui corpore mirabiliter recreare dignatus es: concede, quæsumus; ut, ejus intercedentibus meritis, nos quoque eodem in mortis agone refecti ac roborati, ad cælestem patriam perducamur. Per...

(O God, who didst deign wondrously to refresh blessed Juliana Thy Virgin, labouring under her last disease, with the precious Body of Thy Son: grant, we beseech, that, her merits interceding, we also, being refreshed and strengthened in the same agony of death, may be brought to the heavenly fatherland. Through...)

From a sudden and unprovided death, good Lord, deliver us; may we rather expire in the peace of a good conscience, fortified by all the rites of Holy Church, shriven, annelled and houselled, granted the indulgence plenary and prayed for at our demise: so may we hope to win a saving judgement at the dread tribunal of Christ, and be welcomed by Him into the mansions of the blessed.

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