Saturday, May 31, 2008

Protector in te sperantium

At the end of Vespers, upon making the proper commemoration of the eve, I was struck by the wonderful collect for tomorrow, the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost (called Respice in me, after its Introit):

Protector in te sperantium, Deus, sine quo nihil est validum, nihil sanctum: multiplica super nos misericordiam tuam, ut, te rectore, te duce, sic transeamus per bona temporalia, ut non amittamus æterna. Per Dominum...

O God, the protector of all that trust in thee, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy; Increase and multiply upon us thy mercy; that, thou being our ruler and guide, we may so pass through things temporal, that we finally lose not the things eternal: Grant this, O heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ’s sake our Lord. Amen.

The English is that of the BCP collect for the 4th after Trinity, following Cranmer: really, though he was a most vile heresiarch, he certainly had the gift of making excellent translations. (I note with interest that my St Andrew Daily Missal provides this text for the collect, with only very minor adjustments.) This fine, if Anglican, translation has been brought into word-for-word official use in Catholic worship in The Book of Divine Worship of the Anglican Use, wherein it is found appointed for the Sunday closest to the 27th of July, following recent ECUSA diktat.

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