Monday, May 5, 2008

Crown Him with Many Crowns

A good Sunday: sang with the schola as per usual (we used Missa Orbis factor BTW), and I particularly enjoyed - apart from the Latin Proper, of course - our recessional hymn, "Crown Him with many crowns"...

In the afternoon, I went for a leisurely walk around Tomato Lake.

In the evening, as recommended by Fr Z, I went with a mate to see "Iron Man" - excellent, tho' one has to suspend belief in momentum, inertia, etc. (just 'cos you're wearing a metal suit doesn't mean you can endure massive deceleration or shockwaves).

Today, some bad news: Dad's cancer has returned, and he's had to go into hospital - please pray for him.


  1. Joshua,

    I will recommend your Dad to our Lady of Perpetual Help. My own Dad has been dealing with cancer and she has been a great help to us. I know she will help you as well. She is a "mother ever ready to help us."

    Fr. Scott Bailey, C.Ss.R.

  2. Thank you, Fr - I will pray to her for the same intention.

  3. Joshua,

    I will remember you Dad in my prayers.


  4. Good news: Dad's stay in hospital was only precautionary, while he began taking new medication, and he's back home now.
