Monday, May 19, 2008

Boodae Jjeegae, or Caveat Emptor

I have managed to square the circle! Today I fitted in the traditional Breviary, despite work, and also got to Low Mass (and confession of devotion). Furthermore, I found a way to squeeze in a Rosary: from after the Sanctus till reception of Communion, and it worked wonders for my devotion.

After Mass, I went to dinner at a local Korean restaurant. Now, I have loved Korean food ever since I first had it, but haven't had enough of it to really understand it, if that makes sense... anyway, apart from some nice steamed dumplings, I decided to be adventurous and order the special of the day, something completely unknown to me labelled "Boodae Jjeegae", or 부대찌개.

LOL, it was VERY hot!

I just sat there like a stunned mullet after somehow managing to eat it!

I console myself with the thought that it must be good for my sinuses, and all the kimchi in it is bound to have medicinal virtues.

Postscript: I see the delightful wait staff had a good joke on their gullible Western customer: budae jjigae is "army base stew", invented by starving Koreans after the Korean War, and made up from U.S. army leftovers, including such exotic Oriental delights as spam, hot dogs, baked beans and instant noodles, all mixed together with kimchi and lots of gochujang (hot pepper paste)...

I shall definitely return to that restaurant in any case, but next time, I'll stick to the menu!


  1. LOL!

    It sounds like I would like it. (I like really hot food!)

    I take it you sometimes do then say the whole Breviary all at once?

  2. P.S. I am finding that I am not minding if I do not understand the Latin... do you think this is a problem?

  3. Because of its length, and the fact that I have to work, etc., I try and sandwich in various Hours of the Office between other activities.

    However, especially last year - before I got blogging - I found that, travelling, I could say Matins and Lauds in the morning; and, further, I found a nice church, open in the afternoons but deserted, where I could pop in, and say the whole Office all at once, which took a good hour (I can't recall if I included Compline, or, as I prefer, kept it to say before going to bed).

    From the 11th of October until the 30th of December inclusive, I used the Trad. Office; then used it for 9 days in January, but otherwise reverted to the modern Liturgy of the Hours; I only resumed full-time use of the Breviary 4 weeks ago this Sunday (8th June 2008).

    And no, I don't think understanding is the issue: you are doing it for God, and so long as you are lifting up your heart to Him while pronouncing His praises with your lips, I think that suffices (speaking in tongues, after all, is fine for charismatics!) - though obviously the more you get the better.

  4. Thanks, Joshua. That really sets my mind at ease! :)

    I also find travelling and silent, cool Churches are helpful for saying it.

    I was worried about the "intelligibility", because I've basically stopped saying the modern LotH in favour of the '62 Breviarium, which I don't always understand!

    Thanks again,
    God bless,

  5. Since I've used the LoH since 1994, I've grown familiar with the psalms, etc., and so reading them in the Latin actually triggers my memories of them in English, if that makes sense.

  6. Yes; it does!

  7. (errr... hit "return" too quickly)

    For that reason, I sometimes say the 1911 Breviary in English to refresh my memory.
